Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Joining the Rebellion

The last few weeks have been awesome - Spending lots of time with the family and really enjoying my time off between jobs.  This time off has made me ready for my new venture which started this morning.  Today is the first day in my new role as a Technical evangelist for ZeroTurnaround - I've joined the rebellion.

I wanted to join ZeroTurnaround as they looked like a really smart, fun, energetic outfit which produced some really cool products.  I'll be learning up JRebel and LiveRebel and will soon be preaching all about their awesomeness :o)

My work will be very community focused, so I'll continue to work with groups like the London Java Community, the Graduate Developer Community, as well as others.  I'll be aiming to create technical content around the products and the product areas as well as continue to speak at conferences.

As I learn more about the technology areas and products I'll share what I've learnt here and on the ZeroTurnaround site, so you can learn with me :o)

Oh and ZeroTurnaround have *the* greatest business cards...

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