Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Introducing the new Enterprise OSGi YouTube channel.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've been putting together a list of OSGi related talks that act as a useful resource for OSGi beginners.  I'm lucky enough to work in a development team full of talented people who are very happy to share their knowledge and experiences to customers and at conferences.  I wanted this youtube channel to provide a web resource so that we can share this information to a wider audience.

The short overview presentations are designed to giev the viewer a high level understanding of concepts without going into too much depth.  I'll put up links and follow up material which goes into more depth at our main OSGi home at

The new channel can be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/EnterpriseOSGi

Videos available right now on our new Enterprise OSGi channel include:

Big EARs and OSGi - Part 1, by Ian Robinson, IBM, Distinguished Engineer
Big EARs and OSGi - Part 2, by Ian Robinson, IBM, Distinguished Engineer
An Interview with Zoe Slattery, by Zoe Slattery, IBM, OSGi Technical Evangelist
JPA in OSGi, by Tim Ward, IBM, OSGi Applications developer in WAS.

More will be uploaded soon, so why not subscribe to the channel to get notification of when new videos are uploaded.  To subscribe, you'll need a YouTube account.  Click on the subscribe button on the top left of the Enterprise OSGi channel, shown below.


  1. Is the channel limited to IBM and Aries material or are other contributions welcomed?

  2. Hi Glyn,

    I think opening the channel up to other contributions of Enterprise OSGi content can be a good thing. Perhaps we should meet up to discuss how we can best achieve this. I'll ping you offline.

    Regards -- Simon

  3. Thanks Simon. If the Virgo team comes up with anything suitable, we'll be in touch. Hopefully others will take the opportunity...
